Karma police
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:51 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Thom Yorke
File Size
49 KB
Kar ma po lice a rrest this man he talks in math he bu zzes like a fridge he's like de te neud ra di o
Kar ma po lice a rest this girl her hi tler hair do is ma king me feel i'll and we have crashed her par ty ohhh
This is what you get This is what you get This is what you get when you mess for us
Kar ma po lice I've gi ven all I can It's not e nough I've gi ven all I can but were still on the pay ro ol
This is what you get This is what you get This is what you get when you mess for us
For a mi nute I lost my self I lost my se e elf And for a mi nute I lost my self I los my se e elf ohh ohh
For a mi nute I lost my self I lost my se e elf And for a mi nute I lost my self I lost my se e e elf
Quejas y sugerencias al:
Esta es una excelente rola de Radiohead, el piano no
es muy dif�cil es cuesti�n de muchas ganitas.
El ultimo efecto no se si este bien lo hice lo mejor que